This afternoon I had some serious writers block when it came to my dad, so I did what I always do when I need to think, I run. This turned out to be a great metaphor for the substance I was looking for and as I was trudging along I came across a thought that sparked a million tangents of conversation with one unifying theme, I am my fathers daughter (my mothers too, but for sake of argument I’m going to stick with the theme…).
Some of my earliest memories of my dad were of me on a stage
playing while he played in a city league basketball league. I would climb all over the stage, no doubt
getting myself into lots of trouble (Believe or not I was a trouble maker, I
know…shocking!). After the games he
would show me how to dribble. One poininent
memory I have is of him bouncing the ball really close to the ground while
dribbling and then resurrecting the dribble to a more resounding bounce, I was
awe inspired. It was my dad who also
signed me up for my first sport (t-ball) at the age of 7. I asked him, when he told me he signed me up,
what sports were! Little did I know that
it would change my life.

My dad is a family man, man of God, and in my eyes The
Man! He is visiting his father (and
mother) this weekend in the hills above the Snake River where they are buried. I know it is cliché to say MY dad is the
greatest, because isn’t that what this day is all about!? He is for me a role model, pride, family,
intelligent, worldly, hard headed, and to me he is love. My dad is without a doubt, one of my most
favorite people!
In my dads honor I did two things, made his famous eggs,
hash browns, salsa and toast breakfast and more deliciously, made elk burgers
on the grill from the meat he let me bring home on my last trip west. I added to the burger your normal condiments,
but included a spread of dill goat cheese, the dill from our garden at
work. It was delicious!
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